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J. Cleaner Prod.Energy & FuelsChin. J. Chem. Eng.Archives Mining Sci.Chem. Eng. & Proc.、化工学报等期刊审稿人













长期聚焦于CO2矿物化转化与循环利用、工业固废及钾锂矿石资源综合利用和化工反应器的设计与开发过程中的关键和共性问题,在物质分离、反应强化和反应器设计等领域具备完善的知识体系和理论水平,具有多学科交叉的研究背景,主持国家自然科学基金、贵州省基础研究计划重点基金,中央高校基本科研探索基金、重点实验室课题以及企业合作开发等项目10余项。在J. Cleaner Prod.HydrometallurgyMiner. Eng.等化工、资源、环境等领域国内外学术期刊发表论文50余篇,授权中国发明专利10余件。



1.      Qiu, S., Liu, C., Yu, J., etc.Kinetics and mechanism of lithium extraction from α‑spodumene in potassium hydroxide solution (2022) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.

2.      Qiu, S., Liu, C., Yu, J. Conversion from α-spodumene to intermediate product Li2SiO3 by hydrothermal alkaline treatment in the lithium extraction process (2022) Minerals Engineering, 183, 107599.

3.      Zhang, D.-K., Zhou, X.-Q., Liu, C.-L. Crystallization of calcium carbonate from lithium-containing brines (2021) Journal of Crystal Growth, 556, 125989, .

4.      Wang, J., Liu, C.-L. Ionic conductivities of molten alkali metal chloride binary systems by equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation: Composition and temperature dependence (2021) Medziagotyra, 27 (3), pp. 255-263.

5.      Jiang, Y., Liu, C., Yu, J., etc. Toward CO2 utilization: Gas–liquid reactive crystallization of lithium carbonate in concentrated KOH solution (2021) Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 43 (24), pp. 3332-3344.

6.      Zhao, Q.-W., Liu, C.-L., Yu, J.-G., etc. Analysing and optimizing the electrolysis efficiency of a lithium cell based on the electrochemical and multiphase model (2020) Royal Society Open Science, 7 (1), 191124.

7.      Xue, J., Liu, C.-L., Rohani, S., etc. Recovery of potassium hydroxide from strong potassium aluminate solutions using solvent extraction with alkyl phenols (2019) Hydrometallurgy, 184, pp. 183-191.

8.      Xue, J., Liu, C., Rohani, S., etc. Secondary nucleation and growth kinetics of aluminum hydroxide crystallization from potassium aluminate solution (2019) Journal of Crystal Growth, 507, pp. 232-240.

9.      Shi, Y.-L., Liu, C.-L., Yu, J.-G. Effect of manganese salts on recovery of potassium from K-feldspar by means of a calcination reaction in the chloride salts-calcium carbonate system (2019) Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects.

10.  Jin, Y., Liu, C.-L., Song, X.-F., Yu, J.-G. Computational fluid dynamics simulation as a tool for optimizing the hydrodynamic performance of membrane bioreactors (2019) RSC Advances, 9 (55), pp. 32034-32046.

11.  Liu, C.-L., Song, X.-F., Yu, J.-G. Utilization of CO2 as carbon source for preparation of sandy Al(OH)3 in concentrated KAl(OH)4 solutions: a kinetic study (2019) Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 41 (20), pp. 2507-2518.

12.  Wang, J., Liu, C.-L. Temperature and composition dependences of shear viscosities for molten alkali metal chloride binary systems by molecular dynamics simulation (2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 273, pp. 447-454.

13.  Liu, C.-L., Lu, G.-M., Yu, J.-G. Analysis of Magnesium Droplets Characteristics and Separation Performance in a Magnesium Electrolysis Cell Based on Multiphysical Modeling (2018) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 43 (11), pp. 5965-5976.

14.  Dong, C., Song, X., Liu, C., Yu, J. Impurity ions effect on CO2 mineralization via coupled reaction-extraction-crystallization process of CaCl2 waste liquids (2018) Journal of CO2 Utilization, 27, pp. 115-128.

15.  Liu, C.-L., Lu, G.-M., Yu, J.-G. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the two-phase flow field at gas-evolving electrodes: Numerical and experimental studies (2018) Royal Society Open Science, 5 (5), 171255.

16.  Liu, C.-L., Sun, Z., Yu, J.-G. Effect of Lorentz force on motion of electrolyte in magnesium electrolysis cell (2018) Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 33 (2), pp. 184-187.

17.  Jiang, Y.-F., Liu, C.-L., Yu, J.-G. Insights into the polymorphic transformation mechanism of aluminum hydroxide during carbonation of potassium aluminate solution (2018) CrystEngComm, 20 (10), pp. 1431-1442.

18.  Luo, M., Liu, C., Yu, J. Green recovery of potassium and aluminum elements from alunite tailings using gradient leaching process (2017) Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, pp. 1080-1090.

19.  Luo, M.-J., Liu, C.-L., Yu, J.-G. Leaching kinetics and mechanism of alunite from alunite tailings in highly concentrated KOH solution (2017) Hydrometallurgy, 174, pp. 10-20.

20.  Luo, M., Liu, C., Yu, J. Determination of metastable zone width of potassium sulfate in aqueous solution by ultrasonic sensor and FBRM (2017) Journal of Crystal Growth, 469, pp. 144-153.